Source code for mbgdml._gdml.predict

# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2018-2022, Stefan Chmiela, Gregory Fonseca
# Copyright (c) 2020-2023, Alex M. Maldonado
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.

import sys
import os
import multiprocessing as mp
import timeit
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import psutil

from .. import __version__
from ..logger import GDMLLogger
from .desc import Desc

    import torch
except ImportError:
    _HAS_TORCH = False
    _HAS_TORCH = True

    _TORCH_MPS_IS_AVAILABLE = torch.backends.mps.is_available()
except (NameError, AttributeError):

    _TORCH_CUDA_IS_AVAILABLE = torch.cuda.is_available()
except (NameError, AttributeError):

Pool = mp.get_context("fork").Pool

log = GDMLLogger(__name__)

def share_array(arr_np):
    Return a ctypes array allocated from shared memory with data from a
    NumPy array of type `float`.

    arr_np : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        NumPy array.

    array of ``ctype``

    arr = mp.RawArray("d", arr_np.ravel())
    return arr, arr_np.shape

# pylint: disable-next=too-many-statements
[docs]def _predict_wkr( r, r_desc_d_desc, lat_and_inv, glob_id, wkr_start_stop=None, chunk_size=None ): """ Compute (part) of a prediction. Every prediction is a linear combination involving the training points used for this model. This function evaluates that combination for the range specified by `wkr_start_stop`. This workload can optionally be processed in chunks, which can be faster as it requires less memory to be allocated. Note ---- It is sufficient to provide either the parameter ``r`` or ``r_desc_d_desc``. The other one can be set to :obj:`None`. Parameters ---------- r : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` An array of size 3N containing the Cartesian coordinates of each atom in the molecule. r_desc_d_desc : :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`numpy.ndarray` A tuple made up of: (1) An array of size D containing the descriptors of dimension D for the molecule. (2) An array of size D x 3N containing the descriptor Jacobian for the molecules. It has dimension D with 3N partial derivatives with respect to the 3N Cartesian coordinates of each atom. lat_and_inv : :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Tuple of 3 x 3 matrix containing lattice vectors as columns and its inverse. glob_id : :obj:`int` Identifier of the global namespace that this function is supposed to be using (zero if only one instance of this class exists at the same time). wkr_start_stop : :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`int`, optional Range defined by the indices of first and last (exclusive) sum element. The full prediction is generated if this parameter is not specified. chunk_size : :obj:`int`, optional Chunk size. The whole linear combination is evaluated in a large vector operation instead of looping over smaller chunks if this parameter is left unspecified. Returns ------- :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Partial prediction of all force components and energy (appended to array as last element). """ global globs # pylint: disable=global-variable-not-assigned glob = globs[glob_id] sig, n_perms = glob["sig"], glob["n_perms"] desc_func = glob["desc_func"] R_desc_perms = np.frombuffer(glob["R_desc_perms"]).reshape( glob["R_desc_perms_shape"] ) R_d_desc_alpha_perms = np.frombuffer(glob["R_d_desc_alpha_perms"]).reshape( glob["R_d_desc_alpha_perms_shape"] ) if "alphas_E_lin" in glob: alphas_E_lin = np.frombuffer(glob["alphas_E_lin"]).reshape( glob["alphas_E_lin_shape"] ) r_desc, r_d_desc = r_desc_d_desc or desc_func.from_R( r, lat_and_inv, max_processes=1 ) # no additional forking during parallelization n_train = int(R_desc_perms.shape[0] / n_perms) wkr_start, wkr_stop = (0, n_train) if wkr_start_stop is None else wkr_start_stop if chunk_size is None: chunk_size = n_train dim_d = desc_func.dim dim_i = desc_func.dim_i dim_c = chunk_size * n_perms # Pre-allocate memory. diff_ab_perms = np.empty((dim_c, dim_d)) a_x2 = np.empty((dim_c,)) mat52_base = np.empty((dim_c,)) # avoid divisions (slower) sig_inv = 1.0 / sig mat52_base_fact = 5.0 / (3 * sig**3) diag_scale_fact = 5.0 / sig sqrt5 = np.sqrt(5.0) E_F = np.zeros((dim_d + 1,)) F = E_F[1:] wkr_start *= n_perms wkr_stop *= n_perms b_start = wkr_start for b_stop in list(range(wkr_start + dim_c, wkr_stop, dim_c)) + [wkr_stop]: rj_desc_perms = R_desc_perms[b_start:b_stop, :] rj_d_desc_alpha_perms = R_d_desc_alpha_perms[b_start:b_stop, :] # Resize pre-allocated memory for last iteration, if chunk_size is not a # divisor of the training set size. # Note: It's faster to process equally sized chunks. c_size = b_stop - b_start if c_size < dim_c: diff_ab_perms = diff_ab_perms[:c_size, :] a_x2 = a_x2[:c_size] mat52_base = mat52_base[:c_size] np.subtract( np.broadcast_to(r_desc, rj_desc_perms.shape), rj_desc_perms, out=diff_ab_perms, ) norm_ab_perms = sqrt5 * np.linalg.norm(diff_ab_perms, axis=1) np.exp(-norm_ab_perms * sig_inv, out=mat52_base) mat52_base *= mat52_base_fact np.einsum( "ji,ji->j", diff_ab_perms, rj_d_desc_alpha_perms, out=a_x2 ) # colum wise dot product F += (a_x2 * mat52_base).dot(diff_ab_perms) * diag_scale_fact mat52_base *= norm_ab_perms + sig F -= # Note: Energies are automatically predicted with a flipped sign here # (because -E are trained, instead of E) E_F[0] += # Note: Energies are automatically predicted with a flipped sign here # (because -E are trained, instead of E) if "alphas_E_lin" in glob: K_fe = diff_ab_perms * mat52_base[:, None] # pylint: disable=invalid-name F += alphas_E_lin[b_start:b_stop].dot(K_fe) # pylint: disable-next=invalid-name K_ee = ( 1 + (norm_ab_perms * sig_inv) * (1 + norm_ab_perms / (3 * sig)) ) * np.exp(-norm_ab_perms * sig_inv) E_F[0] +=[b_start:b_stop]) b_start = b_stop out = E_F[: dim_i + 1] # Descriptor has less entries than 3N, need to extend size of the 'E_F' array. if dim_d < dim_i: out = np.empty((dim_i + 1,)) out[0] = E_F[0] out[1:] = desc_func.vec_dot_d_desc( r_d_desc, F, ) # '' for our special representation of 'r_d_desc' return out
[docs]class GDMLPredict: # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements def __init__( self, model, batch_size=None, num_workers=None, max_memory=None, max_processes=None, use_torch=False, ): r"""Query trained sGDML force fields. This class is used to load a trained model and make energy and force predictions for new geometries. GPU support is provided through PyTorch (requires optional ``torch`` dependency to be installed). .. important:: This is only used in :meth:`mbgdml._gdml.train.GDMLTrain._recov_int_const` and :func:`mbgdml._gdml.train.model_errors`. .. note:: The parameters ``batch_size`` and ``num_workers`` are only relevant if this code runs on a CPU. Both can be set automatically via the function ``prepare_parallel``. Note: Running calculations via PyTorch is only recommended with available GPU hardware. CPU calculations are faster with our NumPy implementation. Parameters ---------- model : :obj:`dict` Data structure that holds all parameters of the trained model. This object is the output of `GDMLTrain.train` batch_size : :obj:`int`, optional Chunk size for processing parallel tasks. num_workers : :obj:`int`, optional Number of parallel workers. max_memory : :obj:`int`, optional Limit the max. memory usage [GB]. This is only a soft limit that can not always be enforced. max_processes : :obj:`int`, optional Limit the max. number of processes. Otherwise all CPU cores are used. This parameters has no effect if `use_torch=True` use_torch : :obj:`bool`, optional Use PyTorch to calculate predictions """ log.debug("Initializing GDMLPredict object") global globs # pylint: disable=global-variable-undefined if "globs" not in globals(): log.debug("globs not found in globals; creating it now.") globs = [] # Create a personal global space for this model at a new index # Note: do not call delete entries in this list, since 'self.glob_id' is # static. Instead, setting them to None conserves positions while still # freeing up memory. globs.append({}) self.glob_id = len(globs) - 1 glob = globs[self.glob_id] total_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().total // 2**30 # bytes to GB) self.max_memory = ( min(max_memory, total_memory) if max_memory is not None else total_memory ) log.debug("max_memory : %r MB", self.max_memory) total_cpus = mp.cpu_count() self.max_processes = ( min(max_processes, total_cpus) if max_processes is not None else total_cpus ) log.debug("max_processes : %r", self.max_processes) if "type" not in model or not (model["type"] == "m" or model["type"] == b"m"): log.critical("The provided data structure is not a valid model.") sys.exit() self.n_atoms = model["Z"].shape[0] log.debug("n_atoms in model : %r", self.n_atoms) log.debug("Creating Desc object") self.desc = Desc(self.n_atoms, max_processes=max_processes) glob["desc_func"] = self.desc # Cache for iterative training mode. self.R_desc = None self.R_d_desc = None self.lat_and_inv = ( (model["lattice"], np.linalg.inv(model["lattice"])) if "lattice" in model else None ) log.debug("Unpacking model") self.n_train = model["R_desc"].shape[1] glob["sig"] = model["sig"] self.std = model["std"] if "std" in model else 1.0 self.c = model["c"] n_perms = model["perms"].shape[0] self.n_perms = n_perms glob["n_perms"] = n_perms self.tril_perms_lin = model["tril_perms_lin"] self.torch_predict = None self.use_torch = use_torch if use_torch: log.debug("use_torch is True; setting up now") if not _HAS_TORCH: raise ImportError("Optional PyTorch dependency not found!") # pylint: disable-next=import-outside-toplevel from .torchtools import GDMLTorchPredict self.torch_predict = GDMLTorchPredict( model, self.lat_and_inv, max_memory=max_memory, max_processes=max_processes, ) # Enable data parallelism n_gpu = torch.cuda.device_count() if n_gpu > 1: self.torch_predict = torch.nn.DataParallel(self.torch_predict) # Send model to device # self.torch_device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' if _TORCH_CUDA_IS_AVAILABLE: self.torch_device = "cuda" elif _TORCH_MPS_IS_AVAILABLE: self.torch_device = "mps" else: self.torch_device = "cpu" while True: try: except RuntimeError as e: if "out of memory" in str(e): if _TORCH_CUDA_IS_AVAILABLE: torch.cuda.empty_cache() model = self.torch_predict if isinstance(self.torch_predict, torch.nn.DataParallel): model = model.module # model caches the permutations, this could be why it is too # large if model.get_n_perm_batches() == 1: model.set_n_perm_batches( model.get_n_perm_batches() + 1 ) # uncache else: self.log.critical( "Not enough memory on device (RAM or GPU memory). " "There is no hope!" ) print() os._exit(1) else: raise e else: break else: # Precompute permuted training descriptors and its first derivatives # multiplied with the coefficients. R_desc_perms = ( np.tile(model["R_desc"].T, n_perms)[:, self.tril_perms_lin] .reshape(self.n_train, n_perms, -1, order="F") .reshape(self.n_train * n_perms, -1) ) glob["R_desc_perms"], glob["R_desc_perms_shape"] = share_array(R_desc_perms) R_d_desc_alpha_perms = ( np.tile(model["R_d_desc_alpha"], n_perms)[:, self.tril_perms_lin] .reshape(self.n_train, n_perms, -1, order="F") .reshape(self.n_train * n_perms, -1) ) ( glob["R_d_desc_alpha_perms"], glob["R_d_desc_alpha_perms_shape"], ) = share_array(R_d_desc_alpha_perms) if "alphas_E" in model: alphas_E_lin = np.tile(model["alphas_E"][:, None], (1, n_perms)).ravel() glob["alphas_E_lin"], glob["alphas_E_lin_shape"] = share_array( alphas_E_lin ) # Parallel processing configuration log.debug("Setting up parallel processing") self.bulk_mp = False # Bulk predictions with multiple processes? self.pool = None # How many workers in addition to main process? num_workers = num_workers or (self.max_processes - 1) # exclude main process self.num_workers = num_workers self._set_num_workers(num_workers, force_reset=True) # Size of chunks in which each parallel task will be processed # (unit: number of training samples) # This parameter should be as large as possible, but it depends on the size of # available memory. self._set_chunk_size(batch_size) log.debug("Done initializing GDMLPredict object") def __del__(self): global globs # pylint: disable=global-variable-not-assigned, invalid-name try: # Changed from terminate to avoid throwing sigterm during tests. self.pool.close() self.pool.join() self.pool = None except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=unused-variable pass if "globs" in globals() and globs is not None and self.glob_id < len(globs): globs[self.glob_id] = None ## Public ## # pylint: disable-next=invalid-name
[docs] def set_R_desc(self, R_desc): r"""Store a reference to the training geometry descriptors. This can accelerate iterative model training. Parameters ---------- R_desc : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional An 2D array of size M x D containing the descriptors of dimension D for M molecules. """ self.R_desc = R_desc
# pylint: disable-next=invalid-name
[docs] def set_R_d_desc(self, R_d_desc): r"""Store a reference to the training geometry descriptor Jacobians. This function must be called before ``set_alphas()`` can be used. This routine is used during iterative model training. Parameters ---------- R_d_desc : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional A 2D array of size M x D x 3N containing of the descriptor Jacobians for M molecules. The descriptor has dimension D with 3N partial derivatives with respect to the 3N Cartesian coordinates of each atom. """ self.R_d_desc = R_d_desc if self.use_torch: model = self.torch_predict if isinstance(self.torch_predict, torch.nn.DataParallel): model = model.module model.set_R_d_desc(R_d_desc)
[docs] def set_alphas(self, alphas_F, alphas_E=None): r"""Reconfigure the current model with a new set of regression parameters. ``R_d_desc`` needs to be set for this function to work. This routine is used during iterative model training. Parameters ---------- alphas_F : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` 1D array containing the new model parameters. alphas_E : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional 1D array containing the additional new model parameters, if energy constraints are used in the kernel (`use_E_cstr=True`) """ if self.use_torch: model = self.torch_predict if isinstance(self.torch_predict, torch.nn.DataParallel): model = model.module model.set_alphas(alphas_F, alphas_E=alphas_E) else: assert self.R_d_desc is not None global globs # pylint: disable=global-variable-not-assigned glob = globs[self.glob_id] dim_i = self.desc.dim_i # pylint: disable-next=invalid-name R_d_desc_alpha = self.desc.d_desc_dot_vec( self.R_d_desc, alphas_F.reshape(-1, dim_i) ) # pylint: disable-next=invalid-name R_d_desc_alpha_perms_new = np.tile(R_d_desc_alpha, self.n_perms)[ :, self.tril_perms_lin ].reshape(self.n_train, self.n_perms, -1, order="F") R_d_desc_alpha_perms = np.frombuffer(glob["R_d_desc_alpha_perms"]) np.copyto(R_d_desc_alpha_perms, R_d_desc_alpha_perms_new.ravel()) if alphas_E is not None: # pylint: disable-next=invalid-name alphas_E_lin_new = np.tile(alphas_E[:, None], (1, self.n_perms)).ravel() alphas_E_lin = np.frombuffer(glob["alphas_E_lin"]) np.copyto(alphas_E_lin, alphas_E_lin_new)
[docs] def _set_num_workers(self, num_workers=None, force_reset=False): r"""Set number of processes to use during prediction. If ``bulk_mp is True``, each worker handles the whole generation of single prediction (this if for querying multiple geometries at once) If ``bulk_mp is False``, each worker may handle only a part of a prediction (chunks are defined in ``'wkr_starts_stops'``). In that scenario multiple processes are used to distribute the work of generating a single prediction. This number should not exceed the number of available CPU cores. Note ---- This parameter can be optimally determined using ``prepare_parallel``. Parameters ---------- num_workers : :obj:`int`, optional Number of processes (maximum value is set if :obj:`None`). force_reset : :obj:`bool`, optional Force applying the new setting. """ # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition log.debug("Setting the number of workers in GDMLPredict") log.debug("force_reset : %r", force_reset) log.debug("Local num_workers : %r", num_workers) log.debug("self.num_workers : %r", self.num_workers) log.debug("self.pool : %r", self.pool) if force_reset or self.num_workers is not num_workers: if self.pool is not None: log.debug("Resetting pool") log.debug("Running self.pool.close()") # Changed from terminate to avoid throwing sigterm during tests. self.pool.close() log.debug("Running self.pool.join()") self.pool.join() self.pool = None log.debug("self.pool is now None") self.num_workers = 0 if num_workers is None or num_workers > 0: log.debug("Running Pool(%r)", num_workers) self.pool = Pool(num_workers) # pylint: disable-next=protected-access self.num_workers = self.pool._processes"Set number of workers : %r", self.num_workers) # Data ranges for processes if self.bulk_mp or self.num_workers < 2: # wkr_starts = [self.n_train] wkr_starts = [0] else: wkr_starts = list( range( 0, self.n_train, int(np.ceil(float(self.n_train) / self.num_workers)), ) ) wkr_stops = wkr_starts[1:] + [self.n_train] self.wkr_starts_stops = list(zip(wkr_starts, wkr_stops))
[docs] def _set_chunk_size(self, chunk_size=None): r"""Set chunk size for each worker process. Every prediction is generated as a linear combination of the training points that the model is comprised of. If multiple workers are available (and bulk mode is disabled), each one processes an (approximately equal) part of those training points. Then, the chunk size determines how much of a processes workload is passed to NumPy's underlying low-level routines at once. If the chunk size is smaller than the number of points the worker is supposed to process, it processes them in multiple steps using a loop. This can sometimes be faster, depending on the available hardware. Note ---- This parameter can be optimally determined using ``prepare_parallel``. Parameters ---------- chunk_size : :obj:`int`, default: :obj:`None` Chunk size (maximum value is set if `None`). """ if chunk_size is None: chunk_size = self.n_train"Set chunk size : %r", chunk_size) self.chunk_size = chunk_size
[docs] def _set_bulk_mp(self, bulk_mp=False): """ Toggles bulk prediction mode. If bulk prediction is enabled, the prediction is parallelized across input geometries, i.e. each worker generates the complete prediction for one query. Otherwise (depending on the number of available CPU cores) the input geometries are process sequentially, but every one of them may be processed by multiple workers at once (in chunks). Note ---- This parameter can be optimally determined using `prepare_parallel`. Parameters ---------- bulk_mp : :obj:`bool`, optional Enable or disable bulk prediction mode. """ bulk_mp = bool(bulk_mp) if bulk_mp:"Using one worker per structure (i.e., bulk)") else:"Using multiple workers per structure") if self.bulk_mp is not bulk_mp: self.bulk_mp = bulk_mp # Reset data ranges for processes stored in 'wkr_starts_stops' self._set_num_workers(self.num_workers)
[docs] def prepare_parallel( self, n_bulk=1, n_reps=1, return_is_from_cache=False ): # noqa: C901 """ Find and set the optimal parallelization parameters for the currently loaded model, running on a particular system. The result also depends on the number of geometries ``n_bulk`` that will be passed at once when calling the `predict` function. This function runs a benchmark in which the prediction routine is repeatedly called ``n_reps``-times (default: 1) with varying parameter configurations, while the runtime is measured for each one. The optimal parameters are then cached for fast retrieval in future calls of this function. We recommend calling this function after initialization of this class, as it will drastically increase the performance of the ``predict`` function. Note ---- Depending on the parameter ``n_reps``, this routine may take some seconds/minutes to complete. However, once a statistically significant number of benchmark results has been gathered for a particular configuration, it starts returning almost instantly. Parameters ---------- n_bulk : :obj:`int`, optional Number of geometries that will be passed to the `predict` function in each call (performance will be optimized for that exact use case). n_reps : :obj:`int`, optional Number of repetitions (bigger value: more accurate, but also slower). return_is_from_cache : :obj:`bool`, optional If enabled, this function returns a second value indicating if the returned results were obtained from cache. Returns ------- :obj:`int` Force and energy prediction speed in geometries per second. :obj:`bool`, optional Return, whether this function obtained the results from cache. """ t_parallel = log.t_start()"# Optimizing parallelism #") # No benchmarking necessary if prediction is running on GPUs. if self.use_torch:"Skipping multi-CPU benchmark, since torch is enabled.") log.t_stop(t_parallel) return None # Retrieve cached benchmark results, if available. bmark_result = self._load_cached_bmark_result(n_bulk) if bmark_result is not None: num_workers, chunk_size, bulk_mp, gps = bmark_result self._set_chunk_size(chunk_size) self._set_num_workers(num_workers) self._set_bulk_mp(bulk_mp) if return_is_from_cache: is_from_cache = True log.t_stop(t_parallel, message="Parallel optimization took {time} s\n") return gps, is_from_cache log.t_stop(t_parallel, message="Parallel optimization took {time} s\n") return gps warm_up_done = False"Preparing benchmark runs") best_results = [] last_i = None best_gps = 0 gps_min = 0.0 best_params = None r_dummy = np.random.rand(n_bulk, self.n_atoms * 3) def _dummy_predict(): self.predict(r_dummy) bulk_mp_rng = [True, False] if n_bulk > 1 else [False] for bulk_mp in bulk_mp_rng: self._set_bulk_mp(bulk_mp) if bulk_mp is False: last_i = 0 num_workers_rng = list(range(0, self.max_processes)) if bulk_mp: num_workers_rng.reverse() # benchmark converges faster this way for num_workers in num_workers_rng: if not bulk_mp and num_workers != 0 and self.n_train % num_workers != 0: continue self._set_num_workers(num_workers) best_gps = 0 gps_rng = (np.inf, 0.0) # min and max per num_workers min_chunk_size = ( min(self.n_train, n_bulk) if bulk_mp or num_workers < 2 else int(np.ceil(self.n_train / num_workers)) ) chunk_size_rng = list(range(min_chunk_size, 0, -1)) chunk_size_rng_sizes = [ chunk_size for chunk_size in chunk_size_rng if min_chunk_size % chunk_size == 0 ] i_done = 0 i_dir = 1 i = 0 if last_i is None else last_i while 0 <= i < len(chunk_size_rng_sizes): chunk_size = chunk_size_rng_sizes[i] self._set_chunk_size(chunk_size) i_done += 1"Timing predictions") if warm_up_done is False: timeit.timeit(_dummy_predict, number=10) warm_up_done = True gps = n_bulk * n_reps / timeit.timeit(_dummy_predict, number=n_reps)"Geometries per second : %r", gps) gps_rng = ( min(gps_rng[0], gps), max(gps_rng[1], gps), ) # min and max per num_workers # gps still going up? # AND: gps not lower than the lowest overall? if gps < best_gps: if ( # there is no point in turning if this is the second # batch size in the range i_dir > 0 and i_done == 2 and chunk_size != chunk_size_rng_sizes[1] ): # do we turn? i -= 2 * i_dir i_dir = -1 continue if chunk_size == chunk_size_rng_sizes[1]: i -= 1 * i_dir break best_gps = gps best_params = num_workers, chunk_size, bulk_mp if ( not bulk_mp and n_bulk > 1 ): # stop search early when multiple cpus are available and the # 1 cpu case is tested if ( gps < gps_min ): # if the batch size run is lower than the lowest # overall, stop right here # print('breaking here') break i += 1 * i_dir last_i = i - 1 * i_dir i_dir = 1 if len(best_results) > 0: overall_best_gps = max(best_results, key=lambda x: x[1])[1] if best_gps < overall_best_gps: # print('breaking, because best of last test was worse than # overall best so far') break gps_min = gps_rng[0] # FIX me: is this the overall min? best_results.append( (best_params, best_gps) ) # best results per num_workers (num_workers, chunk_size, bulk_mp), gps = max(best_results, key=lambda x: x[1]) # Cache benchmark results. self._save_cached_bmark_result(n_bulk, num_workers, chunk_size, bulk_mp, gps)"Best config : %r worker(s), %r chunk size", num_workers, chunk_size) self._set_chunk_size(chunk_size) self._set_num_workers(num_workers) self._set_bulk_mp(bulk_mp) if return_is_from_cache: is_from_cache = False log.t_stop(t_parallel, message="Parallel optimization took {time} s\n") return gps, is_from_cache log.t_stop(t_parallel, message="Parallel optimization took {time} s\n") return gps
def _save_cached_bmark_result(self, n_bulk, num_workers, chunk_size, bulk_mp, gps): pkg_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) bmark_file = "_bmark_cache.npz" bmark_path = os.path.join(pkg_dir, bmark_file) bkey = f"{self.n_atoms}-{self.n_train}-{n_bulk}-{self.max_processes}" if os.path.exists(bmark_path):"Appending benchmark results to existing cache") with np.load(bmark_path, allow_pickle=True) as bmark: bmark = dict(bmark) bmark["runs"] = np.append(bmark["runs"], bkey) bmark["num_workers"] = np.append(bmark["num_workers"], num_workers) bmark["batch_size"] = np.append(bmark["batch_size"], chunk_size) bmark["bulk_mp"] = np.append(bmark["bulk_mp"], bulk_mp) bmark["gps"] = np.append(bmark["gps"], gps) else:"Caching new benchmark results") bmark = { "code_version": __version__, "runs": [bkey], "gps": [gps], "num_workers": [num_workers], "batch_size": [chunk_size], "bulk_mp": [bulk_mp], } np.savez_compressed(bmark_path, **bmark) def _load_cached_bmark_result(self, n_bulk): pkg_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) bmark_file = "_bmark_cache.npz" bmark_path = os.path.join(pkg_dir, bmark_file) log.debug("Looking for benchmark file at %s", bmark_path) bkey = f"{self.n_atoms}-{self.n_train}-{n_bulk}-{self.max_processes}" if not os.path.exists(bmark_path):"No benchmark cache found") return None with np.load(bmark_path, allow_pickle=True) as bmark:"Benchmark cache found") # Keep collecting benchmark runs, until we have at least three. run_idxs = np.where(bmark["runs"] == bkey)[0]"Found %d benchmark runs", len(run_idxs)) if len(run_idxs) >= 3: config_keys = [] for run_idx in run_idxs: config_keys.append( f"{bmark['num_workers'][run_idx]}-" f"{bmark['batch_size'][run_idx]}-" f"{bmark['bulk_mp'][run_idx]}" ) values, uinverse = np.unique(config_keys, return_index=True) best_mean = -1 best_gps = 0 for i, config_key in enumerate(zip(values, uinverse)): mean_gps = np.mean( bmark["gps"][ np.where(np.array(config_keys) == config_key[0])[0] ] ) if best_gps == 0 or best_gps < mean_gps: best_mean = i best_gps = mean_gps best_idx = run_idxs[uinverse[best_mean]] num_workers = bmark["num_workers"][best_idx] chunk_size = bmark["batch_size"][best_idx] bulk_mp = bmark["bulk_mp"][best_idx] "Best config : %r worker(s), %r chunk size", num_workers, chunk_size ) return num_workers, chunk_size, bulk_mp, best_gps"Not enough runs (need at 3)") return None # pylint: disable-next=invalid-name
[docs] def get_GPU_batch(self): """ Get batch size used by the GPU implementation to process bulk predictions (predictions for multiple input geometries at once). This value is determined on-the-fly depending on the available GPU memory. """ if self.use_torch: model = self.torch_predict if isinstance(model, torch.nn.DataParallel): model = model.module return model._batch_size() # pylint: disable=protected-access return None
# pylint: disable-next=invalid-name
[docs] def predict(self, R=None, return_E=True): r"""Predict energy and forces for multiple geometries. This function can run on the GPU, if the optional PyTorch dependency is installed and ``use_torch=True`` was specified during initialization of this class. Optionally, the descriptors and descriptor Jacobians for the same geometries can be provided, if already available from some previous calculations. Note ---- The order of the atoms in ``R`` is not arbitrary and must be the same as used for training the model. Parameters ---------- R : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional An 2D array of size M x 3N containing the Cartesian coordinates of each atom of M molecules. If this parameter is omitted, the training error is returned. Note that the training geometries need to be set right after initialization using ``set_R()`` for this to work. return_E : :obj:`bool`, default: ``True`` If ``False``, only the forces are returned. Returns ------- :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Energies stored in an 1D array of size M. Unless ``return_E is False``. :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Forces stored in an 2D array of size M x 3N. """ # Add singleton dimension if input is (,3N). if R is not None and R.ndim == 1: R = R[None, :] if self.use_torch: # multi-GPU (or CPU if no GPUs are available) R_torch = torch.arange(self.n_train) # pylint: disable=no-member if R is None: if self.R_d_desc is None: log.critical( "A reference to the training geometry descriptors needs to be " "set (using 'set_R_d_desc()') for this function to work " "without arguments (using PyTorch)." ) print() sys.exit(1) else: R_torch = ( # pylint: disable=no-member torch.from_numpy(R.reshape(-1, self.n_atoms, 3)) .type(torch.float32) .to(self.torch_device) ) model = self.torch_predict if R_torch.shape[0] < torch.cuda.device_count() and isinstance( model, torch.nn.DataParallel ): model = self.torch_predict.module E_torch_F_torch = model.forward(R_torch, return_E=return_E) if return_E: E_torch, F_torch = E_torch_F_torch E = E_torch.cpu().numpy() else: (F_torch,) = E_torch_F_torch F = F_torch.cpu().numpy().reshape(-1, 3 * self.n_atoms) else: # multi-CPU # Use precomputed descriptors in training mode. is_desc_in_cache = self.R_desc is not None and self.R_d_desc is not None if R is None and not is_desc_in_cache: log.critical( "A reference to the training geometry descriptors and Jacobians " "needs to be set for this function to work without arguments." ) print() sys.exit(1) assert is_desc_in_cache or R is not None dim_i = 3 * self.n_atoms n_pred = self.R_desc.shape[0] if R is None else R.shape[0] E_F = np.empty((n_pred, dim_i + 1)) if ( self.bulk_mp and self.num_workers > 0 ): # One whole prediction per worker (and multiple workers). _predict_wo_r_or_desc = partial( _predict_wkr, lat_and_inv=self.lat_and_inv, glob_id=self.glob_id, wkr_start_stop=None, chunk_size=self.chunk_size, ) for i, e_f in enumerate( self.pool.imap( partial(_predict_wo_r_or_desc, None) if is_desc_in_cache else partial(_predict_wo_r_or_desc, r_desc_d_desc=None), zip(self.R_desc, self.R_d_desc) if is_desc_in_cache else R, ) ): E_F[i, :] = e_f else: # Multiple workers per prediction (or just one worker). for i in range(n_pred): if is_desc_in_cache: r_desc, r_d_desc = self.R_desc[i], self.R_d_desc[i] else: r_desc, r_d_desc = self.desc.from_R(R[i], self.lat_and_inv) _predict_wo_wkr_starts_stops = partial( _predict_wkr, None, (r_desc, r_d_desc), self.lat_and_inv, self.glob_id, chunk_size=self.chunk_size, ) if self.num_workers == 0: E_F[i, :] = _predict_wo_wkr_starts_stops() else: E_F[i, :] = sum( self.pool.imap_unordered( _predict_wo_wkr_starts_stops, self.wkr_starts_stops ) ) E_F *= self.std F = E_F[:, 1:] E = E_F[:, 0] + self.c ret = (F,) if return_E: ret = (E,) + ret return ret