
mbgdml._gdml.predict._predict_wkr(r, r_desc_d_desc, lat_and_inv, glob_id, wkr_start_stop=None, chunk_size=None)[source]#

Compute (part) of a prediction.

Every prediction is a linear combination involving the training points used for this model. This function evaluates that combination for the range specified by wkr_start_stop. This workload can optionally be processed in chunks, which can be faster as it requires less memory to be allocated.


It is sufficient to provide either the parameter r or r_desc_d_desc. The other one can be set to None.

  • r (numpy.ndarray) – An array of size 3N containing the Cartesian coordinates of each atom in the molecule.

  • r_desc_d_desc (tuple of numpy.ndarray) –

    A tuple made up of:

    (1) An array of size D containing the descriptors of dimension D for the molecule. (2) An array of size D x 3N containing the descriptor Jacobian for the molecules. It has dimension D with 3N partial derivatives with respect to the 3N Cartesian coordinates of each atom.

  • lat_and_inv (tuple of numpy.ndarray) – Tuple of 3 x 3 matrix containing lattice vectors as columns and its inverse.

  • glob_id (int) – Identifier of the global namespace that this function is supposed to be using (zero if only one instance of this class exists at the same time).

  • wkr_start_stop (tuple of int, optional) – Range defined by the indices of first and last (exclusive) sum element. The full prediction is generated if this parameter is not specified.

  • chunk_size (int, optional) – Chunk size. The whole linear combination is evaluated in a large vector operation instead of looping over smaller chunks if this parameter is left unspecified.


Partial prediction of all force components and energy (appended to array as last element).

Return type:
